The theory of anomalous carrier pulse propagation in amorphous semiconductors

The macroscopic transport equation describing anomalous carrier pulse propagation for hopping carriers is used to calculate pulse shapes when the conductivity as a function of frequency ω is proportional to ω1 – α. For pure drift the peak of the pulse remains at the injection point when α < 0·5 and moves away when 0·5 < α < 1. The pulse shape for pure diffusion is a symmetrized and scaled version of the pure-drift pulse shape when α is halved. In a specimen of length l exhibiting a d.c. conductivity [sgrave]0 the transient current settles down to a constant value after a time proportional to ([sgrave]1/[sgrave]0)1/(1 – α), where [sgrave]1 is the a.c. conductivity at the characteristic hopping frequency. Quantitative comparison of pulse propagation and conductivity data for Se and As2Se3 indicates that different transport channels control the two effects.