Based on the 4×4 matrix method for inhomogeneous uniaxial media by Berreman [J. Opt. Soc. Am. 62, 502 (1972); 63, 1374 (1973)] and by Wöhler et al. [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 5, 1554 (1988)], a simple method to eliminate the Fabry–Perot effect caused by optical discontinuities at the input and output interfaces has been developed. It facilitates an easy comparison between the results of the Jones matrix method and the 4×4 matrix method without the time-consuming spectral average for the latter. Modeling the case of liquid-crystal displays with incoherent back-light sources, this new method will either improve the accuracy with similar computation time or save computation time with similar accuracy, as compared to the ordinary ‘‘faster’’ 4×4 matrix method.