The twofold division of metamorphic rock-series into (a) Isophysical rock-series and (b) Isochemical rock-series, as proposed by P. Niggli in his paper, 'Die Gesteinsassoziationen und ihre Entstehung', introduces into metamorphic petrology two very useful terms, which will be of service in the metamorphic researches that await the attention of the petrologist.Among such investigated rock-series one may call to mind the studies on the chloritoid-schists of the St. Gotthard massif," the glaucophaneschist suite of the Bagne valley (Wallis), the calc-silicate series of the Trondhjem region, the contact rocks of the Kristiania and Comrie areas. Of these the last are particularly illustrative of an isophysical rock-series, wherein a chemically wide group of assemblages conforming to the composition of shale-limestone sediments is represented in the free-silica and quartzless hornfelses.

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