Differences in basal and postexercise osteocalcin levels in athletic and nonathletic humans

Summary The levels of serum osteocalcin, in addition to other parameters, were monitored in athletic (N=9) and nonathletic (N=10) university male students before, immediately after, and 60 min after 30 min of exercise on a running ergometer and at a constant workload of approximately 50% of their maximum capacity; there was adequate replenishment of drinking water. In both groups, the increase in serum parathyroid hormone levels observed immediately after exercise correlated well with a decrease in ionized calcium as well as the total calcium, and also with an increase in serum phosphorus, whereas the concentration of serum albumin remained stable. The response of serum osteocalcin differed between the two groups, in that (1) the concentration before exercise was significantly higher in athletic than in nonathletic students (P<0.001), and (2) the maximum level was evident in the former group 60 min after exercise, whereas it was present in the latter group immediately after exercise. We speculate that athletic subjects have a higher turnover of bone status compared with nonathletic subjects.