fMRI analysis for motor paradigms using EMG‐based designs: A validation study

The goal of the present validation study is to show that continuous surface EMG recorded simultaneously with 3T fMRI can be used to identify local brain activity related to (1) motor tasks, and to (2) muscle activity independently of a specific motor task, i.e. spontaneous (abnormal) movements. Five healthy participants performed a motor task, consisting of posture (low EMG power), and slow (medium EMG power) and fast (high EMG power) wrist flexion–extension movements. Brain activation maps derived from a conventional block design analysis (block‐only design) were compared with brain activation maps derived using EMG‐based regressors: (1) using the continuous EMG power as a single regressor of interest (EMG‐only design) to relate motor performance and brain activity, and (2) using EMG power variability as an additional regressor in the fMRI block design analysis to relate movement variability and brain activity (mathematically) independent of the motor task. The agreement between the identified brain areas for the block‐only design and the EMG‐only design was excellent for all participants. Additionally, we showed that EMG power variability correlated well with activity in brain areas known to be involved in movement modulation. These innovative EMG‐fMRI analysis techniques will allow the application of novel motor paradigms. This is an important step forward in the study of both the normally functioning motor system and the pathophysiological mechanisms in movement disorders. Hum Brain Mapp, 2007.