Metal-mediated conversion of a 5-aminothiatriazole into a 5-mercaptotetrazolyl ligand by reaction with a solid metal hydroxide: synthesis and crystal structure of [naphthylN·NN·NC(S)]2Ba·3HMPA

Solid Ba(OH)2 suspended in toluene containing HMPA [OP(NMe2)3] reacts with the 5-aminothiatriazole, naphthyl NH·[graphic omitted], to give the monomeric 5-mercaptotetrazolylbarium complex, [naphthlyl [graphic omitted]a·3HMPA, 1; the isolation and structural characterisation of 1 sheds new light on the known alkali-promoted rearrangement of 5-amino-substituted thiatriazoles into 5-thio-substituted tetrazoles.

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