The (1,3)β‐d‐glucan synthase subunit Bgs1p is responsible for the fission yeast primary septum formation

Cytokinesis is a crucial event in the cell cycle of all living cells. In fungal cells, it requires co-ordinated contraction of an actomyosin ring and synthesis of both plasmatic membrane and a septum structure that will constitute the new cell wall end. Schizosaccharomyces pombe contains four essential putative (1,3)β-d-glucan synthase catalytic subunits, Bgs1p to Bgs4p. Here we examined the function of Bgs1p in septation by studying the lethal phenotypes of bgs1+ shut-off and bgs1Δ cells and demonstrated that Bgs1p is responsible and essential for linear (1,3)β-d-glucan and primary septum formation. bgs1+ shut-off generates a more than 300-fold Bgs1p reduction, but the septa still present large amounts of disorganized linear (1,3)β-d-glucan and partial primary septa. Conversely, both structures are absent in bgs1Δ cells, where there is no Bgs1p. The septum analysis of bgs1+-repressed cells indicates that linear (1,3)β-d-glucan is necessary but not sufficient for primary septum formation. Linear (1,3)β-d-glucan is the polysaccharide that specifically interacts with the fluorochrome Calcofluor white in fission yeast. We also show that in the absence of Bgs1p abnormal septa are formed, but the cells cannot separate and eventually die.J.C.G.C and I.M.M. acknowledge support from fellowships granted by CSIC, Spain, and FCT, Portugal respectively. This work was supported by Grants BIO2003-01040, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, and CSI02C05, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain, and by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.Peer Reviewe