Abnormal antithrombin III with defective serine protease binding (antithrombin III "Denver").

A hereditary (three family members) deficiency of antithrombin III (AT-III) in which AT-III antigen (AT-III ag) is normal in spite of low heparin cofactor and antithrombin activity is described. Plasma levels were: AT-III ag, 0.92-0.96 U/ml; AT-III heparin cofactor activity, 0.54-0.62 U/ml; progressive antithrombin activity index, 0.13-0.18; anti-Xa activity, 0.50-0.56 U/ml. Plasma crossed immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) patterns performed with and without added heparin were normal, but serum CIE revealed a decreased complex peak. Purification of the patient's plasma AT-III by heparin-sepharose affinity chromatography showed a normal protein recovery and elution profile, but the purified AT-III fraction showed only 50% of the normal progressive thrombin neutralization and anti-Xa activity. When thrombin-antithrombin (TAT) complexes were formed by incubating with excess thrombin, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) analysis revealed that half the patient AT-III formed TAT complexes while the remainder migrated as free AT-III. All the control AT-III formed TAT complexes. The patient's nonreacting AT-III (AT-III "Denver"), isolated by affinity chromatography, showed CIE and SDS-PAGE migration patterns characteristic of normal AT-III but failed to bind thrombin or Xa. Calculations from turnover studies in one patient and normal subjects with autologous 131I-AT-III suggested that AT-III "Denver" is removed from the plasma slightly more rapidly than normal. These studies indicate that the patients' variant AT-III molecule was characterized by normal heparin interaction but defective binding and inhibition of thrombin and Xa. These characteristics allow isolation of the nonreactive variant molecule by heparin-sepharose affinity chromatography.