Gingival Condition Associated with Partial Orthodontic Treatment

A longitudinal clinical study on gingival condition was made on seventy-five patients treated with fixed orthodontic appliances in one or both dental arches. Fifty-three non-treated subjects of comparable age were included for further reference. The prevalence and severity of gingivitis about the maxillary teeth were compared for partial (i.e. banding of all maxillary teeth) and full (i.e. banding of all maxillary and mandibular teeth) orthodontic treatment. Plaque accumulation and gingival status were assessed according to the Plaque and Gingival Index systems. Gingival hyperplasia was recorded by linear measurements using pocket probes. The results demonstrated that all patients developed generalized gingivitis during the period of active treatment. The proximal areas were invariably more affected than the buccal areas, and posterior teeth more than anterior teeth. Although the GI, PII and pocket depth values were constantly lower when treatment was limited to the maxillary teeth, the differences were small and generally not significant. Also the healing of the gingiva after removal of the appliances was more rapid when partial treatment was used. In neither orthodontic group, however, any permanent damage to the periodontal tissues could be demonstrated with the methods used.