Fatal Pancytopenia Following the Use of “Mesantoin”

"MESANTOIN" (3 methyl-5, 5-ethylphenylhydantoin), a close chemical relative of dilantin has been used as an anticonvulsant in the treatment of grand-mal seizures since 1945. In 1946 Harrison, Johnson and Ayer1 reported a case of fatal aplastic anemia following the use of "mesantoin" and tridione. Since that time several cases of pancytopenia following the use of "mesantoin" have been reported.2 , 3 The following case of fatal pancytopenia occurring after the use of "mesantoin" is presented to stimulate further investigation of the properties of this drug.Case ReportL. V. D., a 31-year-old veteran of World War II, entered the United States Naval . . .