Human Satellite III DNA: Genomic location and sequence homogeneity of the TaqI-deficient polymorphic sequences

Human Satellite III DNA is a major tandem repeat in the human genome and presents a TaqI-specific hypervariable restriction fragment length polymorphism when a Satellite III related sequence (228S) is used as a probe. In situ examination shows this sequence to be near specific for the region 9qh on chromosome 9 when it is used at low probe concentrations. However the region 9qh does not appear to be the only or even the primary source of the TaqI-deficient polymorphic sequences (TDPS). Rather, such sequences appear to be mostly present in chromosomes 20, 21, and 22, and these represent the largest regions of homogeneous Satellite III in the genome; they are also resistant to digestion with a range of other restriction endonucleases. The TDPS do not arise from either of the two currently recognized Satellite III-enriched genomic regions, namely autosomal ‘K-domains’, which form part of 15p in chromosome 15 or the heterochromatin of chromosome Y.