The intrabeat relationships between velocity, amplitude and duration of the slow phase of nystagmus as well as between amplitudes of slow vs. fast phase of nystagmus were analysed during a postrotatory nystagmus response by using linear regression analysis. Three groups of patients were studied, each consisting of 10 subjects with lesions either in the peripheral vestibular system, in the frontal lobe, or in the brain stem. Irrespective of the site of the lesion, all groups exhibited the same response pattern: a reduction in amplitude control of the end-point of nystagmus and an increase in durational control. The most prominent changes were observed in patients with brain-stem lesion in whom the durational control of the slow phase of nystagmus was constant, with a mean slow phase duration of 150 to 250 ms in the case of 3 to 4 fast phases per second. No alterations were observed in the relationship between amplitude of slow vis-à-vis fast phase. The results indicate that analysis of intrabeat relationship may provide additional data on the side of the disorder affecting the vestibular system.