Ctk: a protein-tyrosine kinase related to Csk that defines an enzyme family.

We used the polymerase chain reaction with degenerate oligonucleotide primers to search for Csk-related kinases. A cDNA coding for a Csk-like protein-tyrosine kinase was cloned from mouse brain and was designated ctk, for csk-type protein-tyrosine kinase. The 1.9-kb ctk mRNA was found to be expressed predominantly in brain and capable of encoding a 52-kDa protein-tyrosine kinase. The amino acid sequence of Ctk was found to possess 53% identity with mouse Csk, shared all the predicted structural features of Csk, and was capable of phosphorylating the carboxyl-terminal conserved tyrosine of Src family members. Our results thereby indicate that ctk represents a gene that defines a family of structurally and functionally related Csk-like protein-tyrosine kinases.