Analysis of peach bark volatiles and their electroantennogram activity with lesser peachtree borer,Synanthedon pictipes (Grote and Robinson)

Bark volatiles from two peach cultivars (Bisco and Redskin) were obtained by vacuum steam distillation and fractionated by preparative gas chromatography. The fractions were then assayed with the electroantenno- gram (EAG) method on antennae of female lesser peachtree borer [Synanthedon pictipes (Grote and Robinson)]. With both cultivars, two fractions elicited the largest responses. Analysis of this material by GC-MS revealed a complex mixture made up of aromatic alcohols, esters, ketones, and acids, as well as phenols, aliphatic aldehydes, and aliphatic acids. EAG responses to pure samples of all identified components were recorded, and many of these compounds were found to be quite active. Among the most stimulatory were guaiacol, methyl benzoate, and l-phenyl-1,2-propanedione. Also tested were six-carbon aliphatic aldehydes and alcohols which are components of the foliar tissue of most plants. Of these, 1-hexanol showed moderate activity, while the aldehydes and unsaturated alcohols were only weakly active.