Physical work capacity of college women

Maximal exercise tolerance tests were given to 30 female subjects 17-22 years old. The test consisted of exercising 1 min at a work load of 300 kpm/min and increasing the work load 150 kpm/min each minute until the subject could no longer exercise. The maximal heart rate level averaged 184 beat/min with a range between 170 and 202 beat/min. The average maximal Vo2 was 1.78 liter/min or 29.8 ml/kg per min. The submaximal ventilatory measurements were similar for all subjects while the heart rate levels at the submaximal work loads differentiated the subjects when grouped according to maximal work-load capacities. Prediction of maximal work capacity could not be made for individuals from any single submaximal measurement. There was .56 correlation between body weight and maximal work capacity with only a .32 relationship between maximal Vo2 and Vo2 per kilogram body weight. exercise tolerance of women; cardiorespiratory function of women during exercise; submaximal cardiorespiratory response; maximal cardiorespiratory measurements of women; response to maximal exercise; prediction of exercise tolerance Submitted on May 5, 1964