Influence of radiation damage on perturbed angular distributions: The PoPbsystem

Perturbed angular distribution measurements in a Pb target have been performed for the Po206,208,210(8+) and Po209(17/2) isomeric levels. Target temperatures were varied from 80 to 575 K and magnetic fields were applied from 0.1 to 6.1 T. The data can be explained with a combined strong magnetic and weak quadrupole interaction, with the quadrupole interaction arising from radiation damage in the host correlated in position with the implanted ion. A perturbation theory treatment of the combined magnetic and quadrupole interaction was developed and provides the basis for the interpretation of the results. The data are consistent with a Lorentzian distribution of electric field gradients centered around zero with half width Γ2=0.9×1017 V/cm2 at room temperature. At higher temperatures the gradients are weaker indicating that before the measurement begins at 108 sec after the implantation, some annealing of the initial damage takes place.