Cyclobarbitone, hexobarbitone, quinalbarbitone sodium, pentobarbitone sodium, phenobarbitone sodium, nealbarbitone and a placebo have been compared in a controlled double-blind trial in twenty-four psychiatric patients with insomnia. Each of the barbiturates significantly prolonged sleep and hastened its onset. They also reduced the patients' motility, recorded by an electronic apparatus attached to the bed. There was no clear difference between these barbiturates in onset and duration of action during the 8 hr of recording; some effect upon sleep or motility was present throughout this period. Differences between compounds were of degree rather than of duration of action. Pentobarbitone, quinalbarbitone and phenobarbitone were most effective; cyclobarbitone and hexobarbitone were less effective; nealbarbitone had only a weak hypnotic action.