Theory of Hyperfine Properties of Beryllium and Magnesium Metals

A detailed analysis of the hyperfine properties of the lighter group-II metals, beryllium and magnesium, has been carried out to understand the relation between the electronic structures of these hcp metals. The "lens" and "butterflies" of the magnesium Fermi surface have large s character, leading to an appreciable value of the Knight shift Ks. In contrast, beryllium does not have these pieces of the Fermi surface, and this qualitatively explains the vanishingly small Ks for beryllium. Core polarization (cp) plays an important role in explaining the experimental values of Ks. There is a basic difference between beryllium and magnesium as regards the cp contribution to the Knight shift (Kcp). For beryllium, Kscp,p, the p part of the cp contribution is negative and this, together with a small direct contribution Ksd, leads to a vanishingly small value for Ks (0.7×103%), as compared to -0.25×102% obtained experimentally. Orbital effects are expected to explain the remaining discrepancy in beryllium. For magnesium, Kscp is roughly 38% of Ksd, and the total theoretical value of Ks is 0.0554%, compared to the experimental value of 0.112%. The uncertainties in the exchange enhancement of χp and the role of other contributions to Ks are discussed. The relaxation time in beryllium is quite large because of the small spin density, and T1T is found to be 1.0035×104 deg sec as compared to 1.66×104 obtained experimentally. No experimental value of T1T is available for magnesium. Our theoretical value, including exchange enhancement effects, is 0.0346×104 deg sec. The relatively large p contribution to Kscp in both the metals plays an important role in the deviation of Ks2T1T from its ideal value, (γeγN)24πkB.