Viability and Acrosome Staining of Bull, Boar and Rabbit Spermatozoa

A practical and reliable staining procedure was developed to distinguish the viability and acrosomal status of bull, boar and rabbit spermatozoa. The first stain with trypan blue or Congo red is rapid and avoids artifacts. This stain is precipitated by neutral red during the 2 min required for fixation. The precipitate gives a high contrast black color, resistant to the subsequent rinsings and persists during the time required for staining the acrosome with Giemsa. Ten classes of spermatozoa are distinguished (live or dead with intact acrosomes, loose acrosomes, damaged acrosomes, no acrosome, or with no acrosome and no postacrosomal ring). The intact acrosomes are purple, the loose acrosomes are dark lavender and the damaged acrosomes are pale lavender. The anterior part of the head of live spermatozoa with no acrosome is white or light pink and the same area of dead spermatozoa is white or pale gray. The postacrosomal ring is red. The postacrosomal area of the head of live spermatozoa is white or light pink and the same part of dead spermatozoa is black, dark violet or gray. The procedure did not give satisfactory results for stallion spermatozoa.