Health Related Quality of Life in HIV Disease

The structure of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in HIV disease is examined in 205 symptomatic HIV+ individuals receiving care at two West Coast public hospitals. A 64-item HRQOL battery, tapping aspects of HRQOL of particular relevance to individuals with HIV disease, was administered and found to yield reliable self-report data. Confirmatory factor analysis provides support for a two-factor model of HRQOL: (a) a physical health dimension defined by physical function, role function, freedom from pain, disability days, and quality of sex life, and (b) a mental health dimension defined by overall quality of life, emotional well-being, hopefulness, lack of loneliness, will to function, quality of family life, quality of friendships, and cognitive function/distress. Correlations of HRQOL measures with social support, access to care, coping, and symptom measures are reported and discussed.