Inbreeding depression is commonly observed in natural populations. The deleterious effects of forced inbreeding are often thought to be less pronounced in populations with self-pollinating mating systems than in primarily outcrossing populations. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the performance of plants produced by artificial self- and cross-pollination from three populations whose outcrossing rate estimates were 0.03, 0.26, and 0.58. Outcrossing rates and inbreeding coefficients were estimated using isozyme polymorphisms as genetic markers. Analysis of F statistics suggests that biparental inbreeding as well as self-fertilization contribute to the level of homozygosity in the seed crop. Biparental inbreeding will reduce the heterozygosity of progeny produced by outcrossing, relative to random outcrossing expectations, and hence will reduce the effects of outcrossing versus self-fertilization. Heterotic selection may increase the average heterozygosity during the life history. Selfed and outcrossed seeds from all three populations were equally likely to germinate and survive to reproduce. However, inbreeding depression was observed in fecundity traits of plants surviving to reproduction in all three populations. Even in the population whose natural self-fertilization rate was 97%, plants grown from seed produced by self-pollination produced fewer fruits and less total seed weight than plants grown from outcrossed seed. There was no detectable inbreeding depression in estimated lifetime fitness. Inbreeding effects for all reproductive yield characters were most severe in the accession from the most outcrossing population and least severe in the accession from the most self-fertilizing population.
Funding Information
  • National Science Foundation (BSR8612338)