Heavy-light scalar-quark system in the leading-log effective-action model: Exact solution

An exact solution is obtained in a renormalization-group-improved effective-action model of QCD, for a system containing an infinitely heavy antiquark and a scalar quark of arbitrary mass. The solution corresponds to a solitonlike S-wave state of finite radius R. The only input parameters are the QCD scale ΛMS (where MS denotes the modified minimal subtraction scheme), the number of light quark flavors Nf, and the scalar-quark mass m. Color confinement arises from the nonlinear properties of the effective action. An analysis of the radial excitations (m=0) of the S-wave soliton state clearly shows that this confinement is linear. We find for high radial excitations that the leading behavior of the total energy of the system (m=0) is UN=QκRN+const, where Q=43, κ12=1.043ΛMS (Nf=3), and RN is the radius of the soliton corresponding to the Nth radial excitation. A detailed description is given of the properties of the ground-state soliton as a function of Nf and m. An analytical expression is obtained for the short-distance behavior of the scalar-quark wave function.