Thermal expansivity in the lower mantle

The pressure dependence of the thermal expansion coefficient, α, previously reported as (∂lnα/∂lnV)T = 5.5 ± 0.5 by Chopelas and Boehler [1989] is refined, using systematics in the volume dependence of (∂T/∂P)s measured for a large number of materials at high pressures and high temperatures. Since (∂ln (∂T/∂P)s/∂(V/V0))T is found to be constant and material independent over a very large compression range, (∂lnα/∂lnV)T is proportional to the compression, V/V0. We find α decreases by a factor of 5 for MgO throughout the mantle, reaching a value of 1.0 · 10−5 K−1 at its bottom. Densities of perovskite (PV) and magnesiowüstite (MW) are calculated for lower mantle conditions using our new α(P, T), a room temperature finite strain equation, and recent data on the Mg‐Fe partitioning in the PV‐MW system. Both minerals have nearly identical densities to those of PREM throughout the entire lower mantle, which allows variable PV:MW ratios. A lower mantle made entirely of PV with a molar ratio of Mg:Fe of 88:12 would be about 0.11 g/cm3 or 2.5% denser than this mixture, but this density would just be within the uncertainty in PREM. A change in chemistry at 660 km depth to a PV mantle requires a thermal boundary which would improve the match in the densities between PV and PREM. These density agreements therefore preclude evaluation of a mineralogical model for the lower mantle using density comparisons. Recent measurements on melting of Fe, FeO, and FeS, however, suggest temperatures at the core‐mantle boundary below 3500 K, which tends to favor a geotherm without a large thermal boundary at 660 km depth.