Self-image and personality traits in gender identity disorders: An empirical study

Self-image and personality traits, measured by SASB and SCID screen respectively, were compared between transsexuals, patients diagnosed as Gender Identity Disorders of Adolescence and Adulthood, Non transsexual Type (GIDAANT), and normal controls. Transsexual and GIDAANT patients differed signijcantly in both their self-image and personality traits. While both the transsexuals' and controls' self-images were positive with self-love, the GIDAANT patients had a negative self-image. O n the SCID screen, the GIDAANT group fulfilled 39.8% of all axis I1 criteria; transsexuals fulfilled 28.6% versus 17.1 % for the control group. Mean GAF scores (axis V) were 62, 70, and 83, respectively. For all patients a more negative self-image was significantly related to lower social functioning according to GAF and to more personality pathology according to SCID screen. The prevalence of additional clinical axis I and II disorders was about twice as high among GIDAANT patients as among transsexuals. Although the two conditions are closely related, we found more dfferences than similarities in the studied aspects and a clear tendency that the GIDAANT patients had more psychopathology overall. Although the transsexuals also dqfered signzjicantly in some aspects from the controls, they showed less personality pathology and they had a normal self-image. Negative self-image, high degree of fuljilled axis II criteria, and low GAF scores seem to be corresponding factors and in this study clearly dfferentiate transsexuals from GIDAANT patients.