INFORMATION presently available on discrete renal function studies in hyperthyroidism and myxedema is limited, and recorded data on the hyperthyroid patients are not entirely consistent. Two patients with hyperthyroidism studied by Aas and Blegen (1) had filtration rates of 163 and 121 cc./minute, and renal plasma flows of 903 and 927 cc./minute, respectively. Two additional patients reported by Corcoran and Page (2) had depressed filtration rates (112 and 74 cc./minute) with slightly depressed renal plasma flows (487 and 528 cc./minute). In the latter report, TmD values1 were in the normal range in both patients. Thus, only 2 of the 4 hyperthyroid patients had a definite elevation of renal plasma flow, and only 1 of the 4 had an elevation of the glomerular filtration rate. Two patients with myxedema were studied by Corcoran and Page (2), before and after treatment with desiccated thyroid. In both cases, glomerular filtration rates (33.6 and 55 cc./minute), renal plasma flows (306 and 323 cc. /minute), and TmD values (13.6 and 11.1 mg./minute) were depressed prior to treatment. Subsequent to therapy, all functions increased toward normal. Results of studies on 1 infant cretin before and after therapy (3) corresponded to the findings on the 2 myxedematous patients.