B0−B¯0mixing in supergravity models

We consider the supersymmetric contributions to Bd0B¯d0 mixing in the supergravity (SUGRA) models, which arise from box diagrams where charginos and up-type squarks or charged Higgs bosons and up-type quarks are exchanged. We have calculated R, which is defined to be the ratio between the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) contributions to xd and the standard model one. By choosing a particular set of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa parameters allowed by the present data along with the present experimental data on xd and ε, which lead to 0.7R1.4 in the MSSM, we have demonstrated an indication of possible constraints on mχ1± and tanβ in the SUGRA models. As a result, for mt(mt)=170 GeV and μ>0, we obtain mχ1±112 GeV for tanβ=2 in the no-scale SU(5)×U(1) SUGRA model and mχ1±107(66) GeV for tanβ=2(4) in the dilaton SU(5)×U(1) SUGRA model. In the minimal SU(5) SUGRA model, however, we find no constraint from R. It will be very interesting for one to see what values for R the future experimental data would prefer.