Statistical inversion for medical x-ray tomography with few radiographs: II. Application to dental radiology

Diagnostic and operational tasks in dental radiology often require three-dimensional information that is difficult or impossible to see in a projection image. A CT-scan provides the dentist with comprehensive three-dimensional data. However, often CT-scan is impractical and, instead, only a few projection radiographs with sparsely distributed projection directions are available. Statistical (Bayesian) inversion is well-suited approach for reconstruction from such incomplete data. In statistical inversion, a priori information is used to compensate for the incomplete information of the data. The inverse problem is recast in the form of statistical inference from the posterior probability distribution that is based on statistical models of the projection data and the a priori information of the tissue. In this paper, a statistical model for three-dimensional imaging of dentomaxillofacial structures is proposed. Optimization and MCMC algorithms are implemented for the computation of posterior statistics. Results are given with in vitro projection data that were taken with a commercial intraoral x-ray sensor. Examples include limited-angle tomography and full-angle tomography with sparse projection data. Reconstructions with traditional tomographic reconstruction methods are given as reference for the assessment of the estimates that are based on the statistical model.

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