A New Model to Test Platelet Adhesion under Dynamic Conditions

In order to evaluate under dynamic circumstances the in vitro platelet adhesion induced by rigid materials such as ceramic coatings deposited on selected substrates, a new model simulating a tube has been designed. In vitro platelet adhesion was assessed with this new model: the material was titanium nitride (TiN) deposited on Ti6A14V (TA6V) titanium alloy by a physical vapor deposition (PVD) process. The results were compared to those obtained with complete titanium carbide (TiC) graphite tubes coated with TiN by a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process. The difference observed (less than 25%) in favour of the new system, could be due to the better surface state of the construction materials of this system. In fact it is a systemic error. However TiN confirms its good performance as a blood-contacting biomaterial.