Apparatus for in situ x-ray absorption fine structure studies on catalytic systems in the energy range 1000 eV<E<3500 eV

A new apparatus for in situ x-ray absoprtion fine structure measurements in the medium energy range of 1000–3500 eV has been developed. Measurements can be performed in a gaseous environment (max. pressure 1 bar) at temperatures ranging from 80 to 750 K. Pre-treatments can be performed at 5 bar and 750 K in the same cell, after which XAFS measurements can be done without exposing the sample to ambient air. In a modular set-up several detector systems can be used: fluorescence detection using a gas proportional counter, a photodiode or a microstrip detector. All detectors are highly integrated into the cell, gaining solid angle for detection. Electron yield detection can be used simultaneously using conversion electron yield or total electron yield. The performance of the new apparatus is demonstrated by a study of the K edge of Al in Zeolite Beta. The Al content is as low as 2 wt%. It will be shown that octahedral framework Al is formed while adding gaseous water at room temperature after ammonia removal (at 450 °C) of an NH4-Beta.