The decays of the high-spin isomers of Ta178 (2.45 h) and Lu178 (23.8 min) to the two strongly admixed Kπ=8 states in Hf178 were reinvestigated. The main features of the previously reported decay schemes are confirmed and several long-standing ambiguities are resolved. The results of this investigation indicate that the 1147-keV level is largely the two-neutron state and the 1479-keV level is largely the two-proton state in Hf178. They are found to be 34% admixed with one another. This mixing value is in good agreement with the value deduced from the M1E2 cascade ratios of the 1147-keV band and from the comparison of the E1 (ν=7) hindrance factors of these two states in this mass region. The band-mixing matrix element for these two states was found to be in agreement with the recent theory which introduces the residual neutron-proton interaction to account for the mixing. The spin-parity of Lum178 (23.8 min) was deduced to be Kπ=9 with a possible Nilsson configuration of 92[514]p, 92+[624]n.

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