Gerodermia osteodysplastica: Report on two patients and surgical correction of facial deformity

We present four individuals with Gerodermia Osteodysplastica in a Jewish family from Morocco confirming the autosomal recessive inheritance of the disorder. Three previously unreported findings are described: a) enlarged funnel-shaped mandibular lingula; b) extension of the mandibular premolar and molar roots below the inferior dental canal, and of the second molars into the lower border of mandibular cortical bone; and c) hypercementosis of the maxillary incisors and mandibular molars surrounded by a radiolucent halo in several teeth. The facial deformity resulting from maxillary hypoplasia and mandibular prognathism was corrected by orthognathic surgery: Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy and vertical mandibular osteotomy.