Gastrointestinal effects of COX-2 inhibitors

The developing popularity of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) over the last 100 years has been paralleled by an increase in associated complications, particularly affecting the gastrointestinal (GI) tract [1]. Over this period, there have been several attempts to develop less toxic NSAIDs, most of which have been unsuccessful. Since the discovery that the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) exists as two isoforms, the largely constitutive COX-1 and the mainly inducible COX-2, much interest has centred on the development of drugs capable of selectively inhibiting COX-2. Early studies that investigated specific COX-2 inhibitors (with no effect on the COX-1 isoform over the whole range of concentrations achieved in clinical usage) are encouraging, as they demonstrate that these drugs have fewer effects on gastroduodenal mucosa than standard NSAIDs given at equivalent doses. Further clinical experience with these agents outside trial settings and additional studies to assess the role of COX-2 when induced in the GI tract are needed, before such agents can be safely recommended for widespread prescribing.