Congenital atresia of the sigmoid colon is a rare anomaly. Its reported incidence varies considerably.3,5,6,8,9,11 A more accurate estimate of its infrequency may be gained from the fact that only four recorded cases of survival after surgical treatment were found. The embryology, pathology, clinical features, and treatment of intestinal atresia have been adequately reviewed by others.3,6-11 Our purpose is to describe a patient with complete atresia of the sigmoid colon who recovered satisfactorily after surgical management. Report of Case A white male infant was born at 4:45 a. m. on Jan. 29, 1957. Weight at birth was 5 lb. 3 oz. (2353 gm.). The mother's gestation was full term. Labor and delivery were uncomplicated. After birth, no meconium stool was passed, and at 26 hours of age vomiting of a small amount of greenish-tinged mucus occurred. Attempts at feeding during the next few hours were followed by vomiting