The placentation of Erinaceus europea has been described by Hubrecht (1889). An account of the development and structure of the avascular and vascular yolk-sac placentae which are formed in this species has been presented (Morris, 1953). Reichert's membrane is formed in the wall of the yolk-sac and it persists to term. A further study of the yolk-sac placentae, Reichert's membrane, the decidua and the endometrium of Erinaceus, involving the use of several histological and histochemical techniques, is reported herein. The material consisted of the uteri of three hibernating females obtained in January and February, and the uteri of seven non-pregnant females caught at the beginning of the breeding season in Nottinghamshire in May 1954. Twentyfour gravid uteri and twelve uteri from non-pregnant lactating females were obtained between May and September. At autopsy the uteri of the non-pregnant animals were removed and small portions were fixed in various fluids.