Repeat resection of pulmonary metastases in patients with soft-tissue sarcoma

Background: Even after an apparent complete resection of sarcomatous pulmonary metastases, 40% to 80% of patients will re-recur in the lung. The benefit of subsequent re-resection is poorly defined. This study examines patient survival after repeat pulmonary exploration for re-recurrent metastatic sarcoma at a single institution. Study Design: Between July 1982 and December 1997, data on 3,149 adult in-patients with soft tissue sarcoma were prospectively gathered. Of these, pulmonary metastases were present or developed in 719 patients and 248 underwent at least one resection. Of the patients relapsing in the lung after an apparently complete resection, 86 underwent reexploration. Disease-specific survival (DSS) after re-resection was the end point of the study. Time to death was modeled using the method of Kaplan and Meier. The association of factors to time-to-event end points was analyzed using the log-rank test for univariate analysis and the Cox proportional hazards model for multivariate analysis. Clinicopathologic factors were analyzed with the Pearson chi-square or Fisher’s exact test when appropriate. Results: The median DSS after re-resection for all patients undergoing at least two pulmonary resections was 42.8 months with an estimated 5-year survival of 36%. The median DSS in patients with complete re-resection was 51 months (n = 68) compared with 6 months in patients with an incomplete re-resection (n = 16, p < 0.0001). Patients with one or two nodules at re-resection (n = 39) had a median DSS of 51 months compared with 20 months in patients with three or more nodules (n = 40, p = 0.003). Patients in whom the largest metastasis re-resected was less than or equal to 2 cm (n = 33) had a median DSS of 44 months compared with 20 months in patients with metastasis greater than 2 cm (n = 43, p = 0.033). Patients with primary tumor high-grade histology (n = 75) had a median DSS of 32 months and patients with low-grade histology (n = 11) had a median DSS that was not reached (p = 0.041). Three independent prognostic factors associated with poor outcomes may be determined preoperatively: ≥3 nodules, largest metastases > 2 cm, and high-grade primary tumor histology. Patients with either zero or one poor prognostic factor had a median DSS > 65 months and patients with three poor prognostic factors had a median DSS of 10 months. Conclusions: Reexploration for recurrent sarcomatous pulmonary metastases appears beneficial for patients who can be completely re-resected. Outcomes are described by factors that may be determined preoperatively, including metastasis size, metastasis number, and primary tumor histologic grade. Patients who cannot be completely re-resected or those with numerous, large metastasis and high-grade primary tumor pathology have poor outcomes and should be considered for investigational therapy.