Phonon Raman scattering of polycrystallineYBa2Cu4O8under hydrostatic pressure

The Raman spectra of polycrystalline YBa2 Cu4 O8 have been measured under various pseudohydrostatic pressures up to 10.6 GPa using a diamond anvil cell at room temperature. Most of the observed phonon scattering peaks shift linearly with increasing pressure. Only the phonon frequency for the in-phase O(2)-O(3) Ag mode (∼431 cm1) exhibits nonlinear pressure dependence, which is in contrast to the behavior of the out-of-phase O(2)-O(3) Ag mode (∼338 cm1). The frequency shift saturates above ∼6 GPa, which is similar to the pressure dependence of Tc. This suggests that the degree of hybridization between the atomic vibrations of apical and CuO2 plane oxygens may change under a certain pressure.