An Easy and Versatile Method of Coverage for Distal Tibial Soft Tissue Defects

The distally based superficial sural artery flap, first described as a distally based neuroskin flap by Masquelet et al., is a skin island flap supplied by the vascular axis of the sural nerve. In the difficult area of defects in the lower leg and the ankle and heel region, it has a wide variety of indications, even in the vascularly compromised patients. It has the largest arc of rotation of all flaps that have been described in this region. The most important advantage is that it does not compromise a major artery. It is simple to dissect and has a low donor morbidity. We reported our experience with this new flap in 15 cases and also described a new indication for the patients with neglected ruptures of the Achilles tendon. In 13 patients, the flap was successfully transferred. In two cases, partial necrosis of the flap ensued, which healed with secondary intention. This flap deserves a high degree of interest in the reconstructive armamentarium of the trauma surgeon.