Monte Carlo analysis of inverse problems

Monte Carlo methods have become important in analysis of nonlinear inverse problems where no analytical expression for the forward relation between data and model parameters is available, and where linearization is unsuccessful. In such cases a direct mathematical treatment is impossible, but the forward relation materializes itself as an algorithm allowing data to be calculated for any given model. Monte Carlo methods can be divided into two categories: the sampling methods and the optimization methods. Monte Carlo sampling is useful when the space of feasible solutions is to be explored, and measures of resolution and uncertainty of solution are needed. The Metropolis algorithm and the Gibbs sampler are the most widely used Monte Carlo samplers for this purpose, but these methods can be refined and supplemented in various ways of which the neighbourhood algorithm is a notable example. Monte Carlo optimization methods are powerful tools when searching for globally optimal solutions amongst numerous local optima. Simulated annealing and genetic algorithms have shown their strength in this respect, but they suffer from the same fundamental problem as the Monte Carlo sampling methods: no provably optimal strategy for tuning these methods to a given problem has been found, only a number of approximate methods.

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