Re: Prostate Cancer Susceptibility Locus on Chromosome 1q: a Confirmatory Study

The recent article in the Journal by Cooney et al. ( 1 ) presented results of nonparametric multipoint linkage (NPL) analysis of the 1q24-25 region reported by Smith et al. ( 2 ) . On the basis of analysis of six markers in 59 families containing more than one living family member with prostate cancer, Cooney et al. reported linkage to marker D1S466 (NPL Z score = 1.58; P = .0574). They found stronger evidence (NPL Z score = 1.72; P = .0451) when analyzing the 20 families fulfilling one of more of the proposed criteria for hereditary prostate cancer (i.e., three or more affected individuals within one nuclear family, affected individuals in three successive generations, and/or clustering of two or more individuals affected before the age of 55 years), hereafter called “hereditary families.”