Anti-idiotypic antibodies in a patient with monoclonal rheumatoid factor after pneumococcal bacteremia.

A 51-yr-old Japanese female patient with monoclonal IgM gammopathy with rheumatoid factor activity was admitted because of pneumococcal bacteremia. About 2 wk after admission, her rheumatoid factor activity became undetectable by RAHA test and radioimmunoassay, subsequent to the initial marked elevation. The suppressive capacity of the patient's IgG fraction on the rheumatoid activity of her monoclonal IgM on January 11 was determined. The IgG fraction obtained on February 22 blocked the binding of the rheumatoid factor to rabbit IgG. The suppressive activity in the IgG fraction of February 22 was shown to be localized within the F(ab')2 fragment. Furthermore, the specificity of the suppressive serum factor was shown by the inability to block the binding of SRBC coupled with diazotized phosphorylcholine to anti-pneumococcal antibody. Thus, the marked reduction of rheumatoid factor activity was considered to result from anti-idiotypic antibody transiently appearing in her serum after pneumococcal bacteremia.