The aim of our experiment was to test the hypothesis that the performance of maximal isometric exercise every 20 s would reduce the intermediate frequency force, i.e. the force that appears while stimulating the muscle at 15 and 20 Hz, and would produce less decrease the force at 10 and 50 Hz, while Pt would increase. Such changes in stimulated force should demonstrate the coexistence of potentiation, low frequency fatigue (LFF) and `post-contractile depression' (PCD). The quadriceps muscle of 14 healthy men (aged 19–37 years) was studied. The results have shown, that during isometric exercise of maximal intensity there was significant (< 0.05) decrease in P15 and P20, increase in Pt, however, MVC and P10 and P50 was unchanged (> 0.05). LFF manifested itself most significantly which is evident from decrease in P20/P50. During recovery after work there was significant increase in LFF and decrease in P50 which is indicative of the manifestation of PCD. Besides, there was significant (< 0.05) decrease immediately after exercise in RTP20 and RTP50, while no changes in T50 and RT. There were no significant changes (> 0.05) however, either in RTP20 and RTP50 or in T50 and RT 20 min after exercise if compared to the initial and immediately post-exercise values.