The role of free-radical-induced lipid peroxidation (LPO) in the development of human lens opacity was investigated. 130 human crystalline lenses impaired with cataract of various etiology (senile, traumatic, complicated cataracts) at different stages of cataract development as well as 18 transparent human lenses were studied. Primary products of LPO (diene conjugates), secondary products (ketodienes) and the end products (Schiff bases) were distinctly accumulated in cataractous lenses. Initial stages of cataract were characterized by the accumulation of primary LPO products, while in the latest stages there was a prevalence of fluorescent end products of LPO. It was concluded that the accumulation of polar hydroxy groups in the lipid bilayer of plasma membranes of lenticular fibers is one of the possible causes of their injury in cataracts.