Malfunction of Bjork-Shiley valve prosthesis in tricuspid position.

Eight months after triple valve replacement with Björk-Shiley tilting disc valves a patient developed symptoms and signs suggesting malfunction of the prosthesis in the tricuspid position. This was confirmed by echocardiography and angiocardiography, and at operation thedisc of the prosthesis was found to be stuck half-open by fibrin and clot. A further 11 patients with the same tupe of prosthesis in the triscupid position were then studied by phonocardiography and echocardiography. In one of these the prosthesis was found to be stuck and this was confirmed by angiocardiography and surgery. These 2 cases are reported in detail and the findings in the other 10 are discussed. The implications of this high incidence of malfunction of the Björk-Shiley prosthesis in the tricuspid position are considered. Echocardiography appears to be essential in the follow-up of such patients.