Lasertherapiekonzept bei Teleangiektasien und beim Naevus flammeus

The superficial lesions of the telangiectasia and the ectatic vessels in port-wine stains are a suitable aim for photocoagulation using yellow light lasers. Yellow light of the wavelength 575-585 nm provides good absorption by oxyhaemoglobin and only minimal damage to the overlying skin. After the use of continuous wave dye lasers, therapeutic progress has been achieved with pulsed lasers such as the copper vapour and flashlamp pumped dye lasers (FLPD). Advantages of the copper vapour laser are in the treatment of telangiectatic lesions that can be traced easily with the spot size of 100 microns, as well as in severe port-wine stains in adults (cobble-stone formation). The FLPD laser is feasible in the treatment of port-wine stains in children. Examples are shown of telangiectasia and port-wine stains of different grades and the resulting consequence for yellow light laser treatment.

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