Twenty-seven spp. of jelly fungi, most of them not previously reported from Louisiana, were studied. Helicogloea sebacinoidea n. sp. was found growing on a dead oak branch. It has tough gelatinous texture. Tremella rufobrunnea n. sp. was collected on a dead frondose limb and appears to be related to T. lutescens Sebacina variseptata n. sp. found growing on a dead frondose limb, appears to represent an intermediate type between Sebacina and Patouillardinia Dacrymyces abietinus var. triseptata n. var. on pine wood has larger fructifications than typical D. abietinus and its mature basidiospores become mostly 3-septate. Dacryomitra stipitata (Peck) Burt. (=D. ceracea (Coker) Brasf.).

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