Pheromone production by axenically rearedDendroctonus ponderosae andIps paraconfusus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae)

Mountain pine beetles,Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins, and California five-spined ips,Ips paraconfusus Lanier, were reared axenically from surface-sterilized eggs on aseptic pine phloem. After 24 hr in host logs, axenip femaleD. ponderosae and maleI. paraconfusus produced the aggregation pheromones,trans-verbenol (D. ponderosae), and ipsenol and ipsdienol (I. paraconfusus). Emergent, axenically reared maleD. ponderosae contained normal amounts of the pheromoneexo-brevicomin. Axenic femaleD. ponderosae treated with juvenile hormone or exposed to vapors of α-pinene, produced the pheromonetrans-verbenol. By 25–35 days after eclosion, axenic females exposed to α-pinene vapors produced over six times as muchtrans-verbenol as wild females, suggesting that while microorganisms in wild females may producetrans-verbenol, they may also inhibit production of the pheromone or use it as a substrate.