At the early steps 3–7 of spermiogenesis the hemispherical Golgi apparatus elaborates and is closely associated to the acrosomic system which grows at the surface of the spermatid's nucleus. It shows two distinct zones, a cortex made up of flattened saccules and related membranous tubules, and a medulla containing various types of vesicular profiles. The various components of the cortex of the Golgi apparatus were tested for their reactivity to three phosphatases. Nicotinamide adenine dinuclèotide phosphatase activity (NADPase, Smith, 1980) was observed in the middle two to six saccules in the stack with a midsaccule being more reactive than the saccules above and below. A weak and spotty reaction was also noted in the remaining saccules on the trans-face of the stack and in the thick elements making up the GERL on the trans aspect of the stacks of saccules. Thiamine pyrophosphatase activity (TPPase, Novikoff and Goldfisher, 1961) was found in one or two saccules on the trans-face of the stacks but was absent from the other Golgi components. Cytidine monophosphatase activity (CMPase, Novikoff, 1967) was observed in the GERL, in vesicles of the medulla and in the developing acrosomic system. In the intersaccular regions of the cortex the branching membranous tubules showed the same reactivity for the phosphatases to that of the saccules to which they are connected. ER cisternae associated with the Golgi apparatus, anastomotic membranous tubules seen in the peripheral Golgi region, small vesicles, as well as the first saccule on the cis-face of the stacks were all negative for the three enzymes studied. These data indicated that in the cortex of the Golgi apparatus there were several distinct compartments that could be distinguished on the basis of structural and cytochemical features.