Interaction of Ets-1 and the POU-Homeodomain Protein GHF-1/Pit-1 Reconstitutes Pituitary-Specific Gene Expression

The pituitary-specific, POU-homeodomain factor GHF-1/Pit-1 is necessary, but not sufficient, for cell-specific expression of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH), and thyrotropin. Combinatorial interactions of GHF-1 with other factors are likely to be required; however, such factors and their mechanisms of action remain to be elucidated. Here we identify Ets-1 as a factor that functionally and physically interacts with GHF-1 to fully reconstitute proximal PRL promoter activity. In contrast, Ets-2 has no effect, and the alternatively spliced GHF-2/Pit-1beta variant fails to synergize with Ets-1. The Ets-1-GHF-1 synergy requires a composite Ets-1-GHF-1 cis element and is dependent on an Ets-1-specific protein domain. Furthermore, the ancestrally related and GHF-1-dependent GH promoter, which lacks this composite element, does not exhibit this response. Finally, Ets-1, but not Ets-2, binds directly to GHF-1 and GHF-2. These data show that a functional interaction of GHF-1 and Ets-1, acting via a composite DNA element, is required to establish lactotroph-specific PRL gene expression, thus providing a molecular mechanism by which GHF-1 can discriminate between the GH and PRL genes. These results underscore the importance of transcription factors that are distinct from, but interact with, homeobox proteins to establish lineage-specific gene expression.