Cancer Statistics, 2002

Every year the American Cancer Society estimates the number of new cancer cases and deaths expected in the United States in the current year and compiles the most recent data on cancer incidence, mortality, and survival, using National Cancer Institute (NCI) incidence and National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) mortality data. Incidence and death rates are age adjusted to the 1970 US standard population. It is estimated that 1,284,900 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed and 555,500 people will die from cancer in the United States in the year 2002. From 1992 to 1998, cancer death rates declined in males and females, while cancer incidence rates decreased among males and increased slightly among females. Most notably, African-American men showed the largest decline for both incidence and mortality. Nevertheless, African Americans still carry the highest burden of cancer with later-stage cancer diagnosis and poorer survival compared with whites. Despite the continued decline in cancer death rates, the total number of recorded cancer deaths in the United States continues to increase slightly due to the aging and expanding population.