Cell Population Modeling and Parameter Estimation for Continuous Cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is known to exhibit sustained oscillations in chemostats operated under aerobic and glucose‐limited growth conditions. The oscillations are reflected both in intracellular and extracellular measurements. Our recent work has shown that unstructured cell population balance models are capable of generating sustained oscillations over an experimentally meaningful range of dilution rates. A disadvantage of such unstructured models is that they lack variables that can be compared directly to easily measured extracellular variables. Thus far, most of our work in model development has been aimed at achieving qualitative agreement with experimental data. In this paper, a segregated model with a simple structured description of the extracellular environment is developed and evaluated. The model accounts for the three most important metabolic pathways involved in cell growth with glucose substrate. As compared to completely unstructured models, the major advantage of the proposed model is that predictions of extracellular variables can be compared directly to experimental data. Consequently, the model structure is well suited for the application of estimation techniques aimed at determining unknown model parameters from available extracellular measurements. A steady‐state parameter selection method developed in our group is extended to oscillatory dynamics to determine the parameters that can be estimated most reliably. The chosen parameters are estimated by solving a nonlinear programming problem formulated to minimize the difference between predictions and measurements of the extracellular variables. The efficiency of the parameter estimation scheme is demonstrated using simulated and experimental data.

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